Karate Technicue
Karate Technique
Karate techniques are divided into three main parts: Kihon (basic techniques), Kata (stance) and kumite (fight). Advanced pupils are also taught to use weapons such as sticks (bo) and ruyung (nunchaku).
●๋• Kihon
Kihon (基本: きほん, Kihon?) Literally means the base or foundation. Kihon Karate practitioners must master well before studying Kata and Kumite.
Kihon Training starts from studying punches and kicks (white belt) and shock (brown belt). At the stage and or Black Belt, the student is considered to have mastered all kihon well.
●๋• Words
Kata (型: かた) literally means the shape or pattern. Words in karate is not only a physical or regular aerobic exercise. But it also contains a lesson about fighting principles. Each word has a rhythm of movement and breathing differently.
In a word no one called Bunkai. Bunkai is an application that can be used from basic movements said.
Each stream has a different movement and different names for each word. For example: Kata Tekki in Shotokan stream known as Shito Ryu Naihanchi in flow. As a result Bunkai (application of the word) of each flow is also different.
●๋• Kumite
Kumite (组 手: く み て) literally means "meeting of hands." Kumite performed by advanced students (blue belt and above). But now, there is a dojo that teaches beginner kumite at the student level (yellow belt). Before doing free kumite (jiyu Kumite) regulated practitioners learn kumite (go hon kumite) or (Yakusoku kumite). To stream sport kumite, better known as the Kumite Kumite Shiai or game.
To stream Shotokan in Japan, kumite is only done by students who have attained and (black belt). Practitioners are required to be able to keep his punches so as not to injure fellow play.
To stream "direct contact" like Kyokushin, Karate practitioners are accustomed to doing since blue belt kumite strip. Kyokushin practitioner is allowed to launch as strong kicks and punches to the opponent's strength to compete.
To stream combinations such as Wado-ryu, the technique consists of a combination of Karate and Jujutsu, the Kumite is divided into two kinds, namely to prepare Shiai Kumite, which is trained only techniques that are allowed in the game, and Goshinjutsu Kumite Kumite or for self-defense, all techniques are used, including moves such as dings Jujutsu, locks, and attacking vital points.
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